Monday, May 20, 2013

The Wrong Direction

Well well well. Hasn't my initial effort been less than stellar!

Things have been going backwards at a rapid rate the last month or so. I've put on 5kg, damaged my knee, lost a love, and generally been a sad sack for the last few weeks.

However tomorrow is a new day, and I'm determined to make it a good one. I've got my meals planned out on myfitnesspal (if you are a user, add me - girlybirdy), have lined up a friend to go for a walk, and will apply for some new jobs in between! The job front has been great lately, I've been working from home doing some editing for a friend.

I'm not too sure what direction I'm going to take the blog in. A general life or a full on weightloss blog? I don't think my meals are that interesting but it might keep me more in check. Hmmmm. Will see what tomorrow brings.

L x